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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Waking Up to a Whole New Start

By: Drakin Kovar

Mila groaned, her whole body ached, especially her head. Why was that? she tried to remember...

"Shh, did she just move?" "I-I think she's coming around."

There were voices, what were they saying? Milas head swam as she tried to focus past the pain. What had she done that made her hurt so bad? She could recall being in port... it had been an average day, she'd offloaded her cargo of spice from her small ship and then bummed around town for some shopping.

The coin necklace. Somehow that stuck out in her memory.

She'd seen it in a local shop, somehow the golden circle just called out to her and she couldn't resist buying it. her arm moved slowly, each inch aching as she moved it up to feel for the new weight around her throat.

"She is waking up." "W-What do we do?" "Calm down and go get the captain. He'll want to talk to her right away."

Mila struggled to recall, there'd been something going on, some fuss in town, and she'd decided to set sail early. Then... the storm. That's right, there was a nasty squall that blew up out of nowhere. Waves flooded the ship, the sails tore and snapped. A beam came crashing down on her head...

Mila struggled to open her eyes, the merest glimmer of light made her headache worse, but she tried. Slowly a dingy cabin came into view, rope and supplies were piled in a corner with folded sails. She was laying on a few more folded to make a temporary bed. Mila struggled to sit up...

That was when she found a knife to her throat. "I wouldn't try anything missy. Not unless you want to try breathing through your neck."

Mila looked up. The figure that stood over her was feminine with long dark hair, a hog-nosed bat if she had to guess the species given her sharp teeth and flared tip of her snout. Mila's tail twitched anxiously, fearful of what might happen.

"Morgana!" Boomed a commanding voice, "What in heaven's name are you doing to our guest?"

"Just showing her where she stands on the food chain sir," the bat replied with a cocky smirk before stowing the knife.

Around her side came a tall imposing figure. Canine, again if Mila's addled brain had to guess. Dark brown with a tan muzzle and red hair pulled back into a knot. He was dressed a bit more finely than the bat with a proper red coat with gold trim.

"You'll have to forgive my first mate," the canine growled as if he expected no such thing, "She's... 'overzealous' with her work. My name is Darius, leader of The Dread Pirates."

"Pirates?" Mila croaked before she could help herself.

"It's not what you think," Darius replied with a surprisingly embarrassed look on his face, "We're more like treasure hunters. But you beat some other treasure-seeking group to the gold and suddenly everyone's naming you pirates."

"W-What do you want from me?" Mila stammered nervously.

"That gold coin around your neck dear," Morgana grinned toothily.

"Stow it," Darius chided her, "But she is right... That coin is one of several we're seeking."

"This?" Mila asked touching the broad disk, "But why?"

"It has an inscription on it, right?" Darius asked with a gentile smile.

"Yes," Mila answered hesitantly, "It says 'Become What You Seek'."

"Thought so," Darius nodded sagely, "That coin is one of several my crew is seeking. They're very special, and you should know there are far more dangerous types than us after them."

"That's right," the bat female added, "So just hand it over and we can be done with this."

"Now hold on Morgana," Darius mused, "Her boat sank in that storm. And..."

"It sank!?" Mia gaped. That boat was her whole livelihood. Granted she'd never made much money, but without it she was out of a job, out of money, and out on her rear.

"I'm afraid so," Darius sighed, "We were following you, I admit, after we found out you'd bought the coin. But your ship sank before we could reach you. Luckily we found you floating on a bit of scrap wood."

Mila felt shock and empty, what was she to do now? Darious could see the concern in her eyes and gave her a gentile smile, "Which is why I wanted to ask if you'd consider joining us?"

"Huh?" Mila asked and Morgana looked just as shocked.

"Her?" the bat pointed at Mila, "Get real captain. She's weak. Just another mouth to feed and back to guard. We don't need her."

"Well that's her choice," Darius replied, "If she doesn't want to she can give us the coin and we'll drop her off at the next port. No harm done."

Mila looked between them. On the one hand joining up with pirates felt wrong but on the other she had nothing left... She couldn't explain it, but something urged her on. "I'll do it. I'll stay."

"Wonderful," Darius smiled, "You just rest for now though. You had it rough. Come up top when you're feeling better and we'll discuss our next destination."

As Darius left he turned and shot Morgana a look. "Be nice." he warned her, to which the bat just snorted.

When his tail had disappeared around the door-frame Morgana glared at the feline, "Let's get one thing straight. I'm the first mate on this ship. That means unless Darius says otherwise what I say goes. You got that? I won't have some sniveling little coward getting in my way."

As Morgana left Mila groaned and leaned back trying to think of what to do. What made her accept such a offer? Her hand drifted to the coin and felt the smooth surface. It was strangely warm.

Mila was a member of pirates now. Or treasure hunters. Whatever. But she could tell this wasn't some walk in the park. Whatever was going to happen was something she would have to live with. Could she handle the changes ahead in her life?

Choice 1: Mila holds firm to her innocence. No matter what comes she wants to believe in the good in everyone. Do the right thing, protect the lives of those who matter. Find a peaceful solution whenever possible.

Choice 2: Mila seeks the middle ground. She believes compromise can win the day. bargain, work together, show mutual respect and understanding and together everybody prospers.

Choice 3: Mila decides she wants to get tough. Morgana might be nasty but she's a survivor. Getting stronger, not showing weakness, pursuing her goals with unflinching passion. She should show the world she can truely rise from nothing.

Choice 4: (Special 1) (Undecided story. Could be the same as the game, could be a variation. Could be something completely new. Just be detailed and creative when setting it up. Think 'long-term, grand adventure' scale.)

Choice 5: (Special 2) The Coins aren't the only thing the Pirates are seeking. See next chapter for details.
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End Of Story

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