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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
The Rune of Gluttony: The Dark Power that emanates

By: unknown

Darious and Edward were being carried by a few of the bear servants. Darious quite enjoyed being carried around as it meant he wouldn't have to worry about shedding a pound, butat the same time he would prefer to feel his handsome belly bounce and jiggle. However, he was too full and didn't feel like walking.

"Where are we going, Edward?" Darious asked his brother.

"We're going to see what our father unearthed a few months ago," Edward said. "Besides the coins you mentioned I thought you may be interested in seeing a long lost relic."

Darious and Edward are taken to large and spacious room. The room was full of intricate artifacts and other personal affects. However, in the center of the room was a strange machine of some sort. Inside of the machine was a rune giving off a grey glow. Darious felt uneasy as he saw the rune.

Darious and Edward were placed on the couch as one of the servants walked up to the machine and turned it on. The machine began whirring and within a matter of minutes a giant cake materialized on a table in front of the couch. Memories of the texts he read about the Sorceress's Runes came to his mind. Darious had briefly mentioned to his crew that those runes needed to be destroyed for they were evil.

"Brother, that's the Rune of Gluttony. Nothing good can come from the rune. Legends say that all who touch it become tainted," Darious said.

Edward chuckled. "That is definitely true. We had to fire a maid who touched it first hand. But using special instruments and using the rune to power this magical device is perfectly safe. Father and I had had purification crystals installed to filter out the taint while also producing an endless amount of food. Everyday the crystals themselves are purified to prevent secondhand taint."

Darious about to protest but the scent of the chocolate cake made his stomach growl. Both lions began devouring the cake as their hunger was renewed. Meanwhile, the servants used the magical machine to create more dessert for the two brothers. Darious and Edward feasted to their hearts content. It wasn't until two hours later that both lions were painfully stuffed.

"Now that was divine. Yet is it true that such a machine could contain the taint of that rune. It is an evil artifact after all."

"Of course it can. Dad is a famous practitioner of magic. He calculated everything that needed to be done," Turning into a ravenous demon of mass destruction is the last thing we want."

Darious licked his finger and rubbed his stomach musing on his next action.

Runes Found
Rune of Gluttony: Status intact and contained
Something else?
End Of Story

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