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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
The next day

By: unknown

The next day Darious awoke from a wonderful night's rest. the noble lion captain rose to his feet. Darious was wearing only his underwear for he had given his attire to a male bear servant to wash. As Darious lumbered his way to the washroom he saw a female servant finish cleaning an ornament.

"Pardon me madam, but could you fetch my crew? They should be by the docks," Darious said as he winked at the servant. "They're the Dread Pirates. They should be by my ship the Pirate's Fate."

The female bear servant giggles and playfully grabs Darious's belly giving it a playful shake. "You can count on me Lord Darious. I shall fetch them at once as requested."

The female bear servant curtsied and made her way to the docks. Once at the washroom Darious was greeted by two male bear servants. Darious belly bumped the servants and gave them high-fives. Darious then took off his underwear and made his way into the enormous bathtub.

Darious clapped his hands and a few plump fox servants brought him his pre-breakfast snack. The first hour of the bath involved eating the pre-breakfast snack. The snack was full of fruit and breakfast pastries that were made fresh daily. The second hour of the bath involved the servants assisting Darious with bathing. During the bath the servants would massage Darious's ample form and shampoo his long luxurious mane and beard. Once bathed Darious was presented with his clothes after being thoroughly dried.

"Oh how I missed this pre-morning ritual nothing to invigorate the appetite like a nice bath," Darious said as he hugged a female servant.

"Lord Darious, breakfast is almost ready. Your father and mother, Lord Jerome and Lady Arlene, will be joining us for the day. They're glad that their eldest son had returned home for a visit," a male bear servant said.

Darious belly bumps the servant and shakes his hand. "That is most excellent. I shall head down at once."

"Would you like to be carried to the dining room milord?" The servant asked.

Darious chuckled. "There's no need. I need to build up my hunger. Walking to the dining room will ensure that my appetite is ready."

When Darious made his way to the dining room his stomach was growling. As he predicted the walk did in fact make him hungrier. He saw before him his brother Edward and a modestly plump lioness and a mountain of a man lion. His mother was dressed in a white dress and his father wore a huge formal red shirt that displayed the family crest proudly on his belly and form fitting black trousers.

"Morning my dear son," Jerome said as he motioned Darious to join him. "Breakfast is about to be served and my growing man has some time before he's as big and mighty as father."

Jerome flicked his fingers and an enormous feast appeared on the table. Darious chuckled and took a seat. He quite enjoyed when his father used magic to make breakfast. It saved a lot of time in the morning even though the servants cooked food around the clock.

"It's an honor as always father."

The noble lions devoured the food in front of them. Plate after plate licked clean only to be replaced by another plate of food. Darious and his family were busy with their meal that they paid no mind to the servants bringing out more platters of food. His mother finished first as she watched her boys continue to eat.

It wasn't until an hour later that Darious, Edward and their father felt stuffed.

"Uggngh that was truly divine father," Darious said. You'll need to teach me some magic at some point. It would truly save me time and money while out on sea."

"Grow as fat as me and it shall happen. You are my eldest son after all."

Edward was too preoccupied playing with a bear servant's belly to pay attention. Then Edward had the servants carry the family to the family spa for massages. During the massage Darious hoped that the servant he asked managed to find his crew. Yet he did notice that Edward's servants tend to get distracted and figured that she might also be grocery shopping as well since it is expected for servants to return to the mansion with food.
Something else?
End Of Story

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