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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292

By: Zex

Edward belched, he was content with his large lunch. His parents always made sure that there was enough to fill his belly and them some. Food always tasted better when there was a company, it was nice to meet Darius's crewmates, he was surprised how terrible thin they all looked. Seemed like Darius hadn't been making sure his crew had been properly fed. He eyed the small corgi pirate, Leeko was what his brother called him. While the corgi was indeed quite puffy Edward could tell that was from his fur rather than a nice rotund form. That was something that needed to be addressed. Leeko did eat an impressive amount of food during the banquet. Edward say Leeko's taut belly. My he wanted to see Leeko get large it would suite him so much better.

"Darius it I didn't know any better I would think you were starving your poor crew with how thin they are." Edward said ribbing his brother. "Look at Leeko he looks like he's wasting away the poor thing."

Leeko perked up hearing his name being called. "Oh I-I'm just fine thanks though, oh man your family sure knows how to welcome their guests." Leeko rubbed his belly feeling just how firm it was, he clearly ate more than he was expecting.

Darius chuckled. "Yes mother and father wanted to make sure that their children were well fed. Clearly they did not fail there." Darius grabbed his belly giving it a jiggle, it was firmer now with thall the food compacted in it but it stilled jiggled and shake at his touch,

"Yes it's as father said the bigger the better!" Edward said as he lifted his belly and had it sit on the table. "No one in this household family or servant will be underweight, fatness is the center of happiness."

"Huhhh..." Leeko said as he was almost mesmerized by Edward's gut. It had never seen such a soft gut before as he witness it sprawl across the table.

Edward of course notice. "Like what you see young pup." Edward gave him a sly smile.

Leeko shook his head to get out of his trance. "Oh no I was just thinking that you look good with all the extra weight."

Edward smiled. "I believe every man looks better with some extra weight." Edward gave him a wink.

Leeko scratched the back of his head he wasn't used to being flirted at, especially from a guy.

Edward got to his fight his gut jiggling from the movement. "Well brother why don't you discuss some matters with lovely lady friends here, I think I'll show Leeko here some of our families treasures."

"Treasures?!" Leeko said excited. Leeko swiftly calmed himself realizing his outburst.

"Yes, I'm sure you eager to see what riches your captain's family has procured over the years." Edward said.

"Yeah I would like that!" Leeko said more excited about seeing these treasures." Leeko said

"Well then brother I will see you later. Enjoy your time here ladies." Edward said as he and Leeko walked deeper into the mansion.

"Enjoy yourselves you two!" Darius had a feeling that his brother had set his sights on Leeko, while Leeko was interested in bigger people, he was also attracted to the opposite sex, of course that did never stop his brother though. But he was sure things would be fine. Darius looked at Milo and Morgana, "Well there's a lot I need to go over..."


"Wow..." Leeko said as his eyes sparked seeing this golden idol on display in this weird trophy room of the mansion. It was a male figure and incredibly overweight. His gigantic moobs rested on his over larger belly, it was incredible detailed even showings the love handles in great detail.

"Yes my father picked that up when he was traveling for a meeting, he just saw it and had to have it, said it was inspiration to live out his life." Edward said as he eyed the statue envisioning hismelf growing even fatter.

Leeko eyed it an amazement and jealously he always wanted to be big, he was getting sick out being the runt of the crew, he wanted to know what it was like to be large, maybe that's why he was always into larger women. He was just tired of being small.

Suddenly Leeko felt fur brush up against his back. Looking back he almost yelped as he saw that Edward was kneeled behind him his corpulent guy pressing into his body. "I know what you want Leeko you want to be big, like me and Darius. I can see it in your eyes.

"I.. uhh..." Leeko wasn't sure what to say it was all rather sudden.

"Don't deny it I know you do, and... I've always wanted a man to pamper and feed, to watch him grow into something amazing. To give him endless affection. Leeko you could be that man. Look at Darius and how happy he is, you can have that happiness as well all you need to do is accept it, I have the coins that can make your life ten times better. We can be happy, together....

Leeko looked at the lion speechless, he didn't know what to say everything was happening so fast...
Later during the day
End Of Story

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