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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
Kingly Corruption

By: Zex

Leeko finished devouring a steak. He felt as the female servants caressed his bloated gut. "Where is that small fry if a lion? I'm still hungry.". Leeko barked annoyed he was running out of food and that poor excuse if a lion was no where in sight.

But Leeko felt the soft hands of his servants soothe his bloated yet hungry gut leaning back as his anger melted away. Well he could overlook his subject's tardiness for now. Surrounded by beautiful women Leeko leaned back and enjoyed being worshipped. Leeko's eyes grew heavy as he drifted into sleep. Visions if my in a luxurious throne, double his size and worshipped by women. He was never wanting for food it was always in arms reach for him. His heft was still strong with muscle, his gut still kept its shape and hardly sagged. The curvature of his arms was still present as well. Food, women, and a heavenly body life was good for the leonberger.

Then suddenly sharp pains were slowly slashed acrossed his bloated belly. It felt as if a set of knives were digging into his skin. What were those damn servants doing. Leeko sat back up alert and angry now. "What the hell are you-"

The elaborate throne room was gone had had returned to the treasure room that Edward had led him too, but the servants were gone, he was all alone. Well almost all alone. Leeko saw on his right side... Edward. Yes but different, his fur had changed to a reddish hue, horns were now adorned on his head. His claws long and curved and his facial expression seemed devilish. But was the most upsetting was his lack of modesty the noble was no half naked. Letting his fat belly hang out for all to witness. It was unsightly. Leeko almost recoiled in disgust just seeing this clear violation of modesty.

Leeko stared down at the impish noble. He glanced over to see that a red glowing scratch mark was on his gut now. With Edward playfully looking at his nails. "You dare touch me with those unkempt nails!" Leeko shouted at him. Clearly the lion hadn't realized his place yet as his errand boy. First his unwanted flirtatious and now this insolence while unclothed, can you sink even further!

Edward giggled. "My your so rigid you need to relax, eat some sweets. No one likes a aggressive doggy. I just gave you a little love mark is all. You'll be feel better in just a second.

Before Leeko could let out another protest his stomach grumbled. But something was different it was like primal urge, any thought he had became obsessed with eating. His anger at Edward melted away as the only thing he cared about was his hunger."Well just don't stand there feed me!" Leeko shouted.

"You're wish is my command handsome!" With a snap of his fingers servants began to rush in as they offered a feast for Leeko. Leeko just tore through the food too hungry to care about manners. No matter how much he consumed the hunger didn't go away. He needed to eat more!

Edward just marveled at the sight of Leeko. He was going to become fat, his muscles would atrophy and he would become a nice soft marshmallow for his to play with.

He looked around seeing the servants rush to keep Leeko fed. He heard his own stomach rumble as well. "Excuse me, I need some food here as well!"

One of Edward's bear servants rushed over with a bow as he showed a decadent tray of food for Edward.

Edward studied it picking a single grape and eating it. He then proceeded to slash at the servants gut causing him to grunt in pain. Edward smile. "Ah fantastic as always. Bring me more I need to work on my figure and make sure you don't neglect yourself no one likes a skinny bear." Edward then proceeded to feast as well. Everything was as it was spreading gluttony all around.


Leeko: Corrupted by Mark of Gluttony
Something else?
End Of Story

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