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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
A Woeful Meeting

By: Zex

Edward dug his claws against the wall as dragged them down creating deep grooves in them as he admired his handiwork. Leeko continued to feast with no sign of stopping for now while the bear servant he summoned had rushed off to find more food for him. But he needed more more fattening more gluttony, more, more, more! His claws was just itching to infect something! Then Edward relaxed his claws now slowly trailing against the wall. He pictures his own brother Darious becoming infected, hopelessly eating to fill a void that could never be filled. Succumbing to gluttony, becoming a demon just like him. Edward licked his lips. He was oh so good! He had to share this with him, he didn't know joys the Rune of Gluttony possessed. The wonders his brother doesn't understand and he could fix that. Purifying the rune wasted its true potential. Edward walked off going to show Darious the power the rune had given him.


Darious belched. "Another fantastic meal." The servants had really out done themselves this time. He rubbed his gut in satisfaction. He had given the rest of his crew an explanation of what he had been up to since his departure with his brother. Mila and Morgana had decided it was best to look for more coins in town while Darious sorted things out here. Knowing he couldn't leave without purifying the rune first. While it was safe and secure he would feel better when there was no chance the tune could be used to hurt anyone again. He wished they had stayed, everything they wished for could be found here, food, company, and luxury. To be honest he wanted to stay here with his family, he could eat and grow fat as much as he wanted. Perhaps once all the runes had been destroyed our purified. Darious struggled to get out of his seat, feeling his belly pinning him in place. "I'm getting too fat for this." Darious mumbled to himself. According to his father he still had ways to go if he wanted to be large enough to purify the rune. But he was excited to became that large. He felt strong and powerful the fatter he got. It was almost addicting. But for now Darious was going to retire to his room.

He walked down the long hallway then suddenly lying he felt his fur stand up. A cold chill ran down his spine. Something was wrong Darious could feel it. Something wicked was coming. Darious heard what sounded like nails scrapping against the wall with a large black round silhouette approaching him. As the figure stepped into the light Darious gasped in shock. "Brother?!"

Information of him was his brother or what once was, now sporting demon like features and wicked curved black claws. Also gone were his noble clothing, exposing his body to thr world. The only decency he had was his undergarments that over his privates. "Ah there you are Darious. I've been looking for you, please come closer I have something to show you." Edwsrd said taking a step closer.

"Brother what happened-" Sudeenly Edwsrd charged him pressing his gelatinous belly into Darious's own. Causing Darious to burp.

"I've seen the light brother, we are wrong to purifying the rune, look at how blessed me woth its true power. Your dear mate Leeko has been given a taste of my power and now I want to share it with you. You need to see it for yourself!"

"Brother no the rune is evil you're corrupted, snap out of it!" Darious said trying to call to his brother.

Edward laughed. "It's me brother, don't worry you to wi know what uts like to be free!" Edward raised his hand preparing to slash his brother.

With haste Darious surged forward causing Edward to lose balance and giving Darious the ability to escape his blubbery prison. "No brother, this isn't the way I will stop you!"
Something else?
End Of Story

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