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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe by Drakin292
The Right Spell

By: Zex

Going back in time did seem tempting but there was so much that could go wrong and if he somehow got his past self corrupted. Well Darious decided to leave it at that not wanting to think of the ramifications of that. He was going to have to trust Rodrigo.

Darious nodded his head at the Red Panda. "Alright what do we have to do first?"

Rodrigo smiled. "Excellent we will have to get right to work then." Rodrigo said as he pulled out a decrepit old book.

Tam-Tam just gave Dadious an annoyed glance. "Well if you change your mind I'll be here then , hope you don't miscast your spells blubber butt." She then disappeared further into the tavern out of sight with everyone else.

Darious did feel bad but he felt his chances were better purifying the rune and hopefully save his brother. He still couldn't get the horrifying image in his mind of seeing his brother in that demonic state.

"So from what I've been able to gather someone has been corrupted by one of those wicked runes." Rodrigo said as he started flipping the pages.

"Yes my brother, his been corrupted by the rune of gluttony, he seems obsessed woth corrupting anything he can touch." Darious said.

Rodrigo scratched his chin. "The rune corrupts people to become an embodiment of the sin it holds but also amplifies and distorts their desires. It seems your brother wants to share the gluttony with all he can see and touch, was he always like this?"

"No, he always perferedd bigger fatter men, loved getting fatter himself." Darious said.

"Ah so the rune has taken advantage of that, I'm afraid most of the male population won't be safe while he's about, anyone he catches is destined to become a fattened blimp."

Well Darious was horrified by the statement it also found it oddly thrilling, but shook that feeling off, it was from the rune and the rune was evil.

"There must be a way to save my brother! To end the corruption the rune has on him!" Darious said.

"There is a way but it might be dangerous. The Rune is very powerful so only powerful magic can work on it. I think there is a spell that can work for you!" Rodrigo said.

"What is it?" Darious asked.

Rodrigo flipped the pages come to a page with ancient script and an image of a rotund wolf which seemed to be ingesting a purple miss. "Spell of the Curse Eater. It is said that the those who use this spell can remove the curse from any object or person and nestle it in their stomach which it will be properly dispelled and purified."

Darious perked up astonished how easy it sounded. "This is perfect! How do I cast it?!"

"Easy my friend, powerful magic can have powerful consequences." Rodrigo flipped the page again. This time it showed the rotund wolf again but the purple mist but larger in the wolf's stomach. Any image showed the wolf even larger seemingly eating many curses at the same time. "If not properly trained curse eaters can fail to purify tje curse and became corrupted themselves or become addicted to eating curses and doing nothing else. Not to mention curse eaters are all fat snd plump, their bodies absorbing the curse causing weight gain.I know you are gun-ho about saving your brother but first we must take things slow." Rodrigo said as he placed his hand on Darious's shoulder.

Darious sighed. "Of course, if I want to save my brother I have to do this right." Darious looked at Mila. She was gorgeous, the coins worked in strange ways. He was going to have to do this alone. He couldn't bare thinking about her getting hurt or have her see him fail. "So when do we start?"

"Well now, come with me we have everything we need back at my mansion." Rodrigo said as he made his way for the door.

Darious pulled Mila in for a hug. She was surprised but happy as she returned the affection. "The three of you stay safe and away from the family mansion. Look out for my parents to yeah.

"Don't worry Darious everything will be fine." She gave Darious a peck on the cheek causing the noble lion to blush. "For good luck."

Darious wasn't sure what to say and awkwardly leaving with Rodrigo, nit before making a longing glance at Mila.


"Alright first I should give you a demonstration." Rodrigo said placing a locket on the table.

Rodrigo's mansion was humble compared to the his family had though it was a treasure trove of ancient and magical books and artifacts.

Darious looked at the locket puzzled. "What's this for." Dariousk reached out to touch it only for his hand to be slapped away by Rodrigo.

"Ah ah, cursed locket, touch it and you'll be in a sleep curse for ten years. I'm going to show you have to use the spell. It been a while, hope it doesn't ruin my figure." Rodrigo said a few words hid eyes glowing light blue as the locket hovered in the air, a swirling black mass secreted from the locket and spun around the locket. Rodrigo opened his mouth wide which the black fog raced toward Rpdrigo going straight down his gullet. Rodrigo returned to his normal self. Not before giving a hearty belch. Darious also noticed that Rodrigo's midsection looked a little pudiger than he remembered. "Well there you have it that's the spell. Ugh I feel bloated bee a while since I've used that spell. Well boy do you want a go yourself?"
Something else?
End Of Story

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