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The Island of Destiny

As you cross along the beach, you are disappointed to find that everything is exactly how you left it. Nothing has changed in the slightest. You decide to leave this part of the beach and take a chance exploring farther down the coast. You gaze at the looming jungle in front of you, but quickly decide that you still do not feel confident enough to venture within.

You walk through the sand for what feels like a lifetime. In reality, you have probably walked about an hour. Your throat is dry and your voice feels raspy. You need water bad but there is no source in sight. The vast ocean seems to tease you as its salty waves hustle in and out of the beach.

You now consider entering the jungle. You know that there will at least be water in there somewhere. There has to be. How else would the vegetation grow? With that reasoning, you decide that it probably is in your best interests to explore whatever is in there. The dangers and risks you will have to leave in the back of your mind for now.

But then you glance at something curious farther down the beach about twenty feet and you suddenly change focus. As you near this structure, you see that it is a few sticks tied together to form a cross symbol. There are six of these structures raising from the sand, each about three feet high, and you see that each one also has something enscribed upon it.

As you bend down to read one, you find that it says "RIP Thomas Nettles". Suddenly, a shiver runs down your spine. Are these all...tombstones? What group of people was buried out here?

You continue along the rows, reading off the names in your head: Maria Thatcher, Joseph Gregory, Adam Wright, Will Fry, Juliet Monarch.

"Yes, they're all dead," a voice calls from behind you. Immediately you spin around and come face to face with a withered old man with a very long beard. His wrinkled skin is tanned bronze but also has large patches of red. He wears nothing but a ragged shirt and shorts. His feet are barefoot. He looks at you with a gaze that you can't help but feel afraid of.

"W-who are you?" you ask this character.

"My name is Michael," he tells you. "And I am the last soul to remain alive from the island's cur-"

Before he can finish his sentence, his eyes suddenly roll up into his head and he falls facedown into the sand. Under closer inspection, you find that he is dead as a doornail. This whole scene is very disturbing to you and you would like nothing better than to just leave.

Where should you go?
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