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"...if you say so," I said. The other voice didn't say anything after that, although the silence could mean any number of other things.

I watched the nation with a watchful eye, trying to spot potential signs of trouble. Aside from the occasional homicide, nothing too serious seemed to be happening. Sure, it was apparently election season, given the number of posters which... wait a moment.

I paused, reading the poster closer. I hadn't paid them too much attention. After all, there were simply too many people to try and watch everything on a micro level. But the poster was advertising a lecture from an evangelist, about the mysterious dream God had given him explaining how the world was just a recent illusion.

"It's a good thing I stayed here," I said to myself. I felt a little guilty for having to kill the guy, but it was for the greater good. And anyway, I'm the one who had made him in the first place. I added some fossils and some extra tree rings for good measure, just in case the other voice tried to pull this stunt again.

I was feeling pretty good about myself, until the fighter jets came streaming in. I tried destroying them, but my powers had no effect. It could only mean one thing. "What did you do!" I said, yelling at the other voice.

"Why are you blaming me?" asked the other voice. "I didn't do anything. That's what you get for ignoring all of the other nations."

I could do nothing but watch as all of my hard work was carpet bombed into oblivion. Literally, in fact. The fabric of reality was ripping, leaving tears of white. Just what weapons did the other voice give them?

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