Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

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Yeah, now seems like a good time to do some reflecting.

This morning, when you woke up, you weren't expecting it to be the last day that you would see the sun in the sky. You never got the chance to say good bye to the trees, or the birds, or the people... or anything.

And now it's all gone. Just a mess of super-compressed particles inside your cosmic gut. All because you decided it was a good idea to "eat flower."

Your actions have consequences. Let this be a grave reminder, player. The deaths of those billions of souls are on your hands- well, if you had any hands. You know how many people just saw "The End"? Billions.

And YOU killed them. By yourself.

You ended the entirety of millions of years of evolution and natural progress in a second of reckless abandon.

Such is the fragility of life, I guess.

You gaze out into the infinite eons of space. For all you know, you could be the last sentience left in the universe.

Good job.
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