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Living out fantasies

You were speechless for a moment, Josh had teased you before but now it really meant something. You nodded slowly before managing to stammer out a couple of words. "Yeah.. I want the full experience. Don't go easy on me."

With those words you essentially sealed your fate, Josh didn't even step back as you gripped your gut, a strange crushing feeling taking over your body as you plummeted downwards to the ground. Your pants slipped off and your shirt began to weigh you down until it fell off, your body easily fitting through the neck hole. Eventually everything settled and you were left sitting on top of a pile of your own clothes, staring up at the absolutely massive form of your friend. From this angle he looked even more impressive and handsome than usual, but now he had a more sinister look on his face, and you began to regret not establishing a safe word beforehand.
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