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The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

It Pays to be Wealthy

By: cloakedzex

Darious took a second to look up and see what was left of the competition seeing mostly everyone had resign or been disqualified. But he did see one person that was still going strong. A largely fat lion that was only a tad smaller than him. He wore lavish clothes and jewelry expressing that he was well off in life. A flashy violet vest was trying to contain the colossal gut, his suave light blue button shirt made him look like a stuffed sausage. He was squeezed into tight bright red pants. He was covered in jewley flaunting his wealth and prestige.

While he oozed this sense of nobility he ate like a beast as he devoured pie after pie. Darious then returned back to eating trying to match the corpulent lion. The two ate like their life depended on it. Darious could feel himself getting full, each bite becoming more lethargic. Finally Darious put down a half eaten pie and leaned back into hisbseat he was done and sadly he was second. He let out a a defeated belch, while the lion threw his hands up in victory.

Darious just continued to lie there feeling the sting of defeat. He didn't know what had come over him, this insatiable hunger, and the size that came with it. There was something in him that always loved this. The gluttony and size, the power that it gave him. It was thrilling. Darious gave his belly a rub. It was pretty firm, bloated from all the food that he had consumed but it would turn to jell-O again once he had digested all the pies. Perhaps this was what he really wanted in life...

As he looked up he saw that the lion was looking down at him, already up from his seat. Clearly he wasn't as painfully bloated as Darious was. The lion's mouth was curled into a smile as he locked eyes with Darious. "That was some fine good eating, much better than the lightweights around town here." The lion said as he offered Darious a hand.

Darious smiled. "Thanks, those pies were delicious." Darious accepted the lion's hand and got up from his seat. He felt his new belly bump into the lion's.

"Not to mention you're looking like a citizen here now." The lion said as he let out a jolly laugh and patted Darious's new belly.

Darious was about to protest about a stranger touching him without his say but there was something nice about having his belly touched. Darious hid his blush and looked at the lion, turning his attention to the numerous jewelry that he was wearing. Darious's eyes narrowed as he spied coin necklace. Giving off a faint purple aura. He had one of the coins that they had been looking for. Not to mention even more of them now since he had won the eating contest.

"Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Edward. I'm from one of the noble families here in Strudle. May I get your name handsome stranger?" Edward said fluttering his eyes at Darious.

Darious blushed, not used to this type of attraction from the same sex. "Uh oh my name is Darious. My crew just sailed in today. We were hoping to win the chest of gold in the eating competition."

"Ah yes, given the only other thing that can match my love of food is gold. Don't worry handsome there is always next year."

Darious watched as two obese black bears, in servant uniforms that were way too small for their bulk, carry the chest off into a elegant looking carriage. His ears drooped knowing that he had let his crew down.

Edward noticed the sorrow on Darious's face. "You know it has been a while since I had someone give me a run for my money. And there is plenty of gold to go around for both of us... I wouldn't mind sharing some of it with you."

Darious perked up, about to thank the Edward for his generosity.

"But...," Darious happiness changing into shock and them curiosity. "It gets so lonely back at my estate, often eating alone. How about a dinner date?" The lion said with a sly smile.

Darious wasn't sure what to say. He didn't appreciate how Edward was trying to coerce him on a date, but in the other hand his crew needed those coins. Perhaps it would be better to swallow his pride and go on the date, but it felt wrong. He was conflicted he needed to ask the other first.

"I'm flattered that you would have someone like me eat at your home, but I'll need to discuss this with my crew first." Darious said backing up slowly.

Edward seemed a little disappointed. "Fair enough, don't take to long. My servants still need to get the carriage ready before I go."

Darious ran back to his crew, to tell them what had happened. "Man you put on all this weight and you still lose to the lion talk about disappointing." Leeko said grumbling giving Darious's gut a smack.

Darious groaned. "Not too hard please, belly is still full..."

"We were so close, all those coins gone..." Mila said sounding defeated.

"Perhaps not yet..." Darious said.

His three crewmates perked up while Darious told him about the deal Edward had given them.

"Well it's no brainer, go on the date with him. And he will give us some of the coins."

"I know but it feels wrong." Darious said.

"You're just having dinner with the guy, what's the worst that could happen?" Mila protested.

Darious scratched back of his head. "It feels wrong..."

"It would be even more wrong if those coins fell into the wrong hands because you were too nervous to have a dinner with some rich guy." Leeko said

Darious felt Leeko's words sting into him. His crew wanted him to have dinner with the lion. A good amount of magic coins for having dinner with Edward, how could it go wrong? Not to mention it was up to him, he couldn't let the team down again. Darious smiled now filled with determination. "Alright I'll do it! I'll see you all on the ship later tonight!"

Darious exchanged goodbyes with his crew and made his way back to Edward who was heading into his carriage. The stairs groaning under his weight.

"Edward!" Darious said. Edeard paused hearing his name smiling seeing Darious returned. "I hope you have a feast for the two of us!"

Edward laughed. "Of course! I only have the best for me and my guests, join me in my carriage."

Edward walked into the carriage with Darious following shortly after. The carriage groaned with their combined weight. They took off heading to Edwards's estate.
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