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The Island of Destiny

You yell for help, hoping that Robert or one of the others will hear you. To your relief, a couple seconds later Robert sees what is going on and when he sees John lunge at you with the knife, he puts a bullet in his head.
A week later you are still with your hunting friends. Wishes of wanting to go home have disappeared from your mind as you enjoy every day of hunting. You know all of your teamates names by now.

There is Greg, the smart one who is always reading a book or studying something, Jack, the capable one who knows how to perfectly set up a tent or cook a meal, Tyler, the brave one who is always looking for adventure, Eddie, who is really clumsy and dumb but is nice to everyone, Xavier, the distant one who rarely talks and always wears a scowl on his face, and Robert, the leader who you have gotten to know very well.

One morning you wake up to find that Tyler is informing the others that he found some strange footprints and wants to follow them. Robert and the others protest because the footprints lead into the place they call "the disappearing jungle" since from what you hear, a member of their party named Frank ventured in their one day and was never to be seen again. They also have heard strange growls and screams coming from the area.

Tyler spots you and says "Hey you'll come with me right? Want to accompany me in a bit of exploring?"

It's your choice. Should you risk going into the "disappearing jungle" with Tyler or stay for a normal day of hunting with the others?
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